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You're viewing Everybody's Golf 4 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Everybody's Golf 4
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2006-10-26 14:33:16
Views : 26116

Password mode
Go to the password screen from the options menu. The following items will be unlocked for purchase in the shop:

WXAFSJCapsule 1
MJLJEQCapsule 10
MHNCQICapsule 11
OEINLKCapsule 2
WFKVTGCapsule 3
FCAVDOCapsule 4
YYPOKKCapsule 5
GDQDOFCapsule 6
HHXKPVCapsule 7
UOKXPSCapsule 8
LMIRYDCapsule 9
MKJEFQPrice Reduction
XKWGFZTourney Rank Down
NFSNHRUnlock 100t Hammer Club
REZTWSUnlock all golfers
XSREHDUnlock Aloha Beach Resort
CRCNHZUnlock Bagpipe Classic
YFQJJIUnlock Beginner's Ball
DLJMFZUnlock Big Air Club
CRCGKRUnlock Bir Air Ball
WVRJQSUnlock Blue Lagoon C.C.
XCQGWJUnlock Caddie Clank
WSIKINUnlock Caddie Daxter
MZIMELUnlock Caddie Kayla
LNNZJVUnlock Caddie Kaz
MYPWPAUnlock Caddie Mochi
WRHZNBUnlock Caddie Simon
UTWIVQUnlock Caddie Sophie
OQUTNAUnlock Dream G.C.
UITUGFUnlock Everybody's CD - Voice Version
UEROOKUnlock Extra Pose Cam
RJIFQSUnlock Extra Swing Cam
DPYHIUUnlock Extra Video
DIXWFEUnlock Heckletts
FKDHDSUnlock HSG Rules
DJXBRGUnlock Infinity Ball
RZTQGVUnlock Infinity Club
MQTIMVUnlock Landing Grid
ZKJSIOUnlock Menu Character Brad
LWVLCBUnlock Menu Character Phoebe
AVIQXSUnlock Menu Character Renee
YKCFEZUnlock Mike Costume
RVMIRUUnlock Mini-Golf 2 G.C.
BBLSKQUnlock Nanako Costume
GJBCHYUnlock Phoebe Costume
VZLSGPUnlock Pin Hole Ball
DGHFRPUnlock Pinhole Club
PVJEMFUnlock Replay Cam A
EKENCRUnlock Replay Cam B
ZUHHACUnlock Replay Cam C
JAYQRKunlock Sidespin Ball
ZKOGJMUnlock Silkroad Classic
ARFLCRUnlock Suzuki Costume
XNETOKUnlock Turbo Spin Ball
UIWHLZUnlock United Forest G.C.
RODDHQUnlock Wallpaper Set 2
LIBTFLUnlock Western Valley C.C.
YZLOXEUnlock Wild Green C.C.
BVLHSIUpgrade 100t Hammer Club to mid-level
JIDTQIUpgrade Big Air Club from mid-level to top level
TOSXUJUpgrade Big Air Club to mid-level
EIPCULUpgrade Infinity Club from mid-level to top level
WTGFORUpgrade Infinity Club to mid-level
RBXVELUpgrade Pin Hole Club from mid-level to top level
TTIMHTUpgrade Pin Hole Club to mid-level
DTIZABUpgrade Turbo Spin Club from mid-level to top level
NIWKWPUpgrade Turbo Spin Club to mid-level

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